Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Circuits Engineer
  • Design Engineer
  • Electrical Controls Engineer
  • Electrical Design Engineer
  • Project Engineer
  • Instrumentation and Electrical Reliability Engineer
  • Power Systems Engineer
  • Test Engineer

For individuals who

Want a broad engineering degree that focuses on the design, application and systems using electricity, electronics and electrical equipment.

Looking for

从生物医学到电磁工程等不同领域的专业毕业的能力. 有机会在实地工作,同时学习和获得实践研究经验.

To become

  • Controls Engineer
  • Project Engineer
  • Test Engineer
  • Aeronautical Engineer
  • Communications Engineer

The Program

电气工程学士学位课程由ABET工程认证委员会认证,, 根据委员会的通用标准和电气项目标准, Computer, Communications, Telecommunication(s) and Similarly Named Engineering Programs. It has the largest enrollment in the Dakotas. The department faculty, many of whom have years of experience in industry and teaching, give considerable attention to the individual student. 本科课程的主要组成部分是基础科学和数学, humanities and social sciences, communication, engineering science, engineering design and ethics, 在电气和计算机工程方面的广度和深度.

Areas Of Specialization

电气工程课程旨在反映该领域的广泛性, and students may tailor their studies within broad parameters. 鼓励学生在与导师密切协商的情况下制定个人学习计划. 有一些例子可以说明如何在许多不同的技术领域中获得专门化. 学生可以根据自己的特殊兴趣对例子进行混合搭配. Technical areas include the following:

  • Biomedical Engineering is firmly based in engineering and the life sciences. 医学和工程学的结合有助于提供合适的产品, tool, 以及医疗保健专业人员的研究、诊断和治疗技术. Some important products are artificial hearts, medical imaging (MRI, ultrasound, CT scans), prosthetic devices, and computer aids for diagnosis. 生物医学工程师帮助确定问题和需求,可以用工程技术和系统方法来解决,以合理的成本提供高质量的医疗保健.
  • Communication and Signal Processing are closely related fields within electrical engineering. 通信是将信息从时间和空间的一点传递到另一点的过程. 信号处理包括信号表示、信号设计和滤波. 该专业的学生在世界范围内发现具有挑战性的机会,以满足更方便的需求, inexpensive, and reliable communication and signal processing.
  • Control Engineering 处理控制物理系统的算法的设计和实现. 例子包括汽车主动悬架、飞机自动驾驶仪和机器人运动控制.
  • Electromagnetics includes electromagnetic compatibility, fiber optics, antennas, microwave devices, radar, sonar, satellite systems, power and communication transmission lines, grounding, shielding and propagation.
  • Electronics and Microelectronics deal with integrated circuits, VSLI, transistors, lasers, consumer electronics, defense electronics, power electronics, and electronic materials.
  • Nanotechnology 处理纳米级乐虎集团的电子材料的研究,如太阳能电池和传感器.
  • Optical Engineering, developed jointly with the Department of Physic, prepares future engineers in such areas as quantum theory; coherent/incoherent polarized/non-polarized light; geometric, physical, and Fourier optics; holography; and image processing and acquisition.
  • Power Systems deals with generation, transmission, 以安全为前提的电能分配和利用, environmental and economic concerns.

Cooperative Education Program

合作教育计划允许学生在课堂学习的同时获得与电气工程相关的一系列带薪专业工作经验. 随着学生背景的增加,这些经历的复杂性也会增加. 该项目为毕业前的专业经验提供了机会, exploration of several career opportunities, money for education, 丰富的学位和毕业后就业机会的增加.

High School Preparation

建议高中生选修一单元物理, four units of mathematics and one unit of chemistry.

The Facilities

电气和计算机工程大楼是8栋建筑工程综合体的一部分. The building contains specialized laboratories and equipment. 来自国家科学基金会和私营企业的大量赠款和捐赠提供了宝贵的设备. 实验室以及院系和大学的计算机能力支持教育和研究.

Career Opportunities

NDSU电气工程专业的毕业生在世界各地从事着各种令人兴奋的高薪工作. 他们从事研究、设计、销售、制造、测试、安装、开发和教学工作. 许多毕业生发现,工程教育为商业等工程以外的领域提供了很好的培训, medicine or law. Since engineers are problem solvers, 对工程师解决典型工程领域以外问题的需求不断增加.

Research and Graduate Study

该系教师目前活跃在包括生物医学在内的几个研究领域, nanotechnology, communication and signal processing, controls, electromagnetics, electronics and power engineering. 该系提供攻读硕士和博士学位的研究生课程. Further details are available in the Graduate Bulletin.

Selective Admission

Transfer students from international institutions must have a 3.00 GPA.

Further, 本系规定转学课程相当于ECE 173(或CSCI 160), ECE 275, 在参加初中课程中列出的ECE课程之前,EE 206和所有要求的数学必须达到“C”或更高 & Senior years.”